Please understand that CouponCabin does not tolerate profanity or threats of any kind and will never provide financial compensation in exchange for the removal of reviews. It’s important to note that only one account per computer network or household may claim offers marked for “Members Only” or “New Members Only.” We are very passionate about saving money, and as shareholders, our team of Customer Success managers is always willing to help in every way possible. CouponCabin doesn’t have many rules, but the rules we do have are in place to ensure our members get the maximum amount of cash back possible. Over 99.8% of all orders are seamlessly paid, but if a store doesn’t pay us for an order, for any reason, we will not be able to credit your cash back. Advertisements Fortunately, apps can actually save you a significant amount of money each year. Think of CouponCabin as your partner in cash back in that we only get paid when you do. As we mentioned above, the cost of food takes a real chunk out of our income each year 5.93 to be exact The BLS reports that the typical American spent 4,363 on food they ate at home in 2017. CouponCabin is proud to provide industry-leading cash back rates, coupons that are guaranteed to work and members-only savings, like $200 back on $200, that you can’t find anywhere else. We pay our members 365 days a year and specialize in up to 20% cash back at more than 6,000 stores.
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